Media Releases

Animal Justice at OBA Animal Law Event

Animal Justice Canada Executive Director Nick Wright will be chairing the Ontario Bar Association animal law event scheduled for the evening of Tuesday May 29, 2012 to be held in downtown Toronto.

‘Animal Law: Prosecution and Reform’ features a panel of leading animal advocates including Jennifer Friedman, Litigation Counsel at the Ontario Racing Commission, speaking on Animal cruelty prosecutions under provincial statutes and Albert Kohl, staff lawyer at Ecojustice on his private prosecution to protect migratory birds.

To register for the event visit:

After registering announce your attendance on the Animal Justice page at:

Animal Justice Canada, formerly Lawyers for Animal Welfare (LAW), is an incorporated Registered Charity dedicated to advancing public knowledge of animal practices and preventing the abuse and killing of animals through the enforcement of existing laws.

Tax deductible donations can be made on the website using credit card or PayPal at: by contacting the organization to make alternative arrangements.