Media Releases

Animal Justice Calls for Burnbrae Farms False Advertising Inquiry

Animal Justice Canada calls upon Melanie L. Aiken, Commissioner of Competition, to conduct an inquiry into Burnbrae Farms Limited’s use of the term “Nestlaid” / “À l’ancienne” in the marketing of its eggs.

The term “Nestlaid”, or in French “À l’ancienne” (meaning “old fashioned style” or “traditional”), evokes a positive image of hens being free to engage in natural nesting behaviours.

Contrary to this common understanding, photographs of hens producing “Nestlaid” / “À l’ancienne” eggs reveal that the living conditions are similar to ordinary battery cages. Photographs of hens producing “Nestlaid” / “À l’ancienne” eggs may be viewed on the Burnbrae Farms website HERE.

Deceptive marketing practices are an offence under Part VII.1 of the Competition Act, RSC 1985, c C-34.

Accordingly, Animal Justice and 185 individuals who have added their names to the petition have asked the Commissioner of Competition to exercise her jurisdiction under the Competition Act, and commence a formal inquiry into this matter.